Alexander Halavais

Alexander Halavais (born July 21, 1971) is an associate professor of Data & Society at Arizona State University, a social media researcher and former President of the Association of Internet Researchers. Before joining the faculty at Arizona State University, Halavais taught in the Interactive Media program at Quinnipiac University, the School of Informatics at the University at Buffalo and at the University of Washington. His most recent book is Search Engine Society. He has more recently spoken about the role of peer to peer surveillance in participatory government.

Alexander Halavais

Alexander Halavais (born July 21, 1971) is an associate professor of Data & Society at Arizona State University, a social media researcher and former President of the Association of Internet Researchers. Before joining the faculty at Arizona State University, Halavais taught in the Interactive Media program at Quinnipiac University, the School of Informatics at the University at Buffalo and at the University of Washington. His most recent book is Search Engine Society. He has more recently spoken about the role of peer to peer surveillance in participatory government.