Alexander Jeans

Sir Alexander Grigor Jeans (1849–1924) was a British newspaper editor and proprietor, the founder and managing editor of the Liverpool Post and Mercury. He married Ellen Gallon (d. 1889). They had children: * Allan Jeans, editor of the Liverpool Daily Post * Frank Alexander Gallon Jeans (1878-1933), surgeon and author * Ronald Jeans (1887–1973), playwright with a career spanning nearly 50 years

Alexander Jeans

Sir Alexander Grigor Jeans (1849–1924) was a British newspaper editor and proprietor, the founder and managing editor of the Liverpool Post and Mercury. He married Ellen Gallon (d. 1889). They had children: * Allan Jeans, editor of the Liverpool Daily Post * Frank Alexander Gallon Jeans (1878-1933), surgeon and author * Ronald Jeans (1887–1973), playwright with a career spanning nearly 50 years