Alexander W. Galbraith

Alexander W. Galbraith was a Canadian photographer, known for recording iconic images from Canada's past. A 1950 profile of Galbraith, in The Globe and Mail, reported "In all, he has taken 50,000 pictures. Many have high historic interest, since they give a clear picture of the early life of Toronto." An image Galbraith captured, of Bay Street, in 1903, is frequently used as a "before" image, in coverage of Toronto's Great Fire of 1904, as it captured the western boundary of the fire. * *

Alexander W. Galbraith

Alexander W. Galbraith was a Canadian photographer, known for recording iconic images from Canada's past. A 1950 profile of Galbraith, in The Globe and Mail, reported "In all, he has taken 50,000 pictures. Many have high historic interest, since they give a clear picture of the early life of Toronto." An image Galbraith captured, of Bay Street, in 1903, is frequently used as a "before" image, in coverage of Toronto's Great Fire of 1904, as it captured the western boundary of the fire. * *