Alfred Bryan (illustrator)

Alfred Bryan (1852–1899) (born as Charles Grineau) was a popular English illustrator, best known for his many contributions to the London-based weekly theatrical review . Bryan's first professional sketches were published in The Hornsey Hornet. He also produced sketches for The London Figaro. Bryan worked for the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News for most of his career and was also published in periodicals such as Judy magazine. Walter Sickert, a contemporary art critic, described him as "the complete, trained draughtsman", praising his illustrations as "[...]unfaltering in their mastery of line, their perfect style, their elegance and wit."

Alfred Bryan (illustrator)

Alfred Bryan (1852–1899) (born as Charles Grineau) was a popular English illustrator, best known for his many contributions to the London-based weekly theatrical review . Bryan's first professional sketches were published in The Hornsey Hornet. He also produced sketches for The London Figaro. Bryan worked for the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News for most of his career and was also published in periodicals such as Judy magazine. Walter Sickert, a contemporary art critic, described him as "the complete, trained draughtsman", praising his illustrations as "[...]unfaltering in their mastery of line, their perfect style, their elegance and wit."