Alfred Steinberg

Alfred Steinberg (December 8, 1917 – February 6, 1995) was an American historian and biographer who, during his prolific career, wrote 20 books on American history and 200 magazine articles for Reader's Digest, Collier's Weekly and Harper's, among others. His books included biographies of Eleanor Roosevelt (Mrs. R), Presidents Harry Truman (The Man From Missouri) and Lyndon Johnson (Sam Johnson's Boy), Senator Tom Connally, House Speaker Sam Rayburn (Sam Rayburn), the first ten Presidents of the United States (The First Ten), and the political bosses who ruled the American political machines that dominated in the 1920s and 1930s (The Bosses). His twelve books for the Lives to Remember Series included biographies of Herbert Hoover, James Madison, John Adams, Woodrow Wilson, Douglas MacArthu

Alfred Steinberg

Alfred Steinberg (December 8, 1917 – February 6, 1995) was an American historian and biographer who, during his prolific career, wrote 20 books on American history and 200 magazine articles for Reader's Digest, Collier's Weekly and Harper's, among others. His books included biographies of Eleanor Roosevelt (Mrs. R), Presidents Harry Truman (The Man From Missouri) and Lyndon Johnson (Sam Johnson's Boy), Senator Tom Connally, House Speaker Sam Rayburn (Sam Rayburn), the first ten Presidents of the United States (The First Ten), and the political bosses who ruled the American political machines that dominated in the 1920s and 1930s (The Bosses). His twelve books for the Lives to Remember Series included biographies of Herbert Hoover, James Madison, John Adams, Woodrow Wilson, Douglas MacArthu