All-Russian Zemstvo Union

The All-Russian Zemstvo Union of Aid to Sick and Wounded Warriors, under the auspices of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna (Russian: Всероссийский земский союз) was a civil society organisation set up in the Russian Empire to support sick and wounded soldiers. It was established in Moscow on 30 July 1914 at a congress of authorized provincial zemstvos. Georgy Lvov headed the organisation as Chief Commissioner. On August 11, 1914 the organisation was ratified with suitable Regulations of the Committee by Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

All-Russian Zemstvo Union

The All-Russian Zemstvo Union of Aid to Sick and Wounded Warriors, under the auspices of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna (Russian: Всероссийский земский союз) was a civil society organisation set up in the Russian Empire to support sick and wounded soldiers. It was established in Moscow on 30 July 1914 at a congress of authorized provincial zemstvos. Georgy Lvov headed the organisation as Chief Commissioner. On August 11, 1914 the organisation was ratified with suitable Regulations of the Committee by Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.