All-or-none law

A single nerve fibre will always give a maximum response and producing spikes of the same amplitude when stimulated. If the intensity of the stimulus is increased, the height of the spike always remains the same. In short the propagated impulse in a single fibre cannot be graded by grading the intensity or duration of the stimulus. The nerve fibre gives a maximum response or none at all. This is called the "all or none" principle. It is also Known as all or nothing law.

All-or-none law

A single nerve fibre will always give a maximum response and producing spikes of the same amplitude when stimulated. If the intensity of the stimulus is increased, the height of the spike always remains the same. In short the propagated impulse in a single fibre cannot be graded by grading the intensity or duration of the stimulus. The nerve fibre gives a maximum response or none at all. This is called the "all or none" principle. It is also Known as all or nothing law.