Allan Rocher

Allan Rocher (16 February 1936 – 18 March 2016), Australian politician, was a Liberal Party of Australia Senator for Western Australia from 1978 to 1981 and member of the Australian House of Representatives Division of Curtin from 1981 to 1998. Up until 1996 he represented the Liberal Party of Australia. Rocher was born in Deloraine, Tasmania. He worked as a commercial arbitrator and then as a registered builder. He eventually became president of the Master Builders' Association of Western Australia.

Allan Rocher

Allan Rocher (16 February 1936 – 18 March 2016), Australian politician, was a Liberal Party of Australia Senator for Western Australia from 1978 to 1981 and member of the Australian House of Representatives Division of Curtin from 1981 to 1998. Up until 1996 he represented the Liberal Party of Australia. Rocher was born in Deloraine, Tasmania. He worked as a commercial arbitrator and then as a registered builder. He eventually became president of the Master Builders' Association of Western Australia.