Allegheny County Jail

The old Allegheny County Jail in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ispart of a complex (along with the Allegheny County Courthouse) designed by H. H. Richardson. The buildings are considered among the finest examples of the Romanesque Revival style for which Richardson is well known. In 1892, anarchist Alexander Berkman was held here awaiting trial for the attempted murder of industrialist H. C. Frick. In 1902, condemned brothers Jack and Ed Biddle escaped from the jail with the aid of the warden's wife. (The 1984 film Mrs. Soffel, based on the incident, includes shots of the jail exterior.)

Allegheny County Jail

The old Allegheny County Jail in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ispart of a complex (along with the Allegheny County Courthouse) designed by H. H. Richardson. The buildings are considered among the finest examples of the Romanesque Revival style for which Richardson is well known. In 1892, anarchist Alexander Berkman was held here awaiting trial for the attempted murder of industrialist H. C. Frick. In 1902, condemned brothers Jack and Ed Biddle escaped from the jail with the aid of the warden's wife. (The 1984 film Mrs. Soffel, based on the incident, includes shots of the jail exterior.)