Allium moschatum

Allium moschatum is a Eurasian species of wild onion with a range extending from Spain to Iran. Allium moschatum is a bulb-forming perennial. Flowers are born in umbels on top of thin, wiry scapes rarely more than 15 cm tall; tepals white with a thin but prominent purple midvein. Formerly included * Allium moschatum var. brevipedunculatum, now called Allium korolkowii * Allium moschatum var. dubium, now called Allium korolkowii

Allium moschatum

Allium moschatum is a Eurasian species of wild onion with a range extending from Spain to Iran. Allium moschatum is a bulb-forming perennial. Flowers are born in umbels on top of thin, wiry scapes rarely more than 15 cm tall; tepals white with a thin but prominent purple midvein. Formerly included * Allium moschatum var. brevipedunculatum, now called Allium korolkowii * Allium moschatum var. dubium, now called Allium korolkowii