Allum Green

Allum Green is a hamlet southwest of Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England. During the night of 5/6 September 1940 it was the scene of a Luftwaffe bombing raid, which resulted in the deaths of four British Army soldiers of the RAOC (Royal Army Ordnance Corps) and 14 men were injured. The precise location of bomb strike was on Allum Green House itself, which still exists and is a private home. The site is commemorated by a memorial bench erected in 1980 by comrades of the deceased. Those killed were:

Allum Green

Allum Green is a hamlet southwest of Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England. During the night of 5/6 September 1940 it was the scene of a Luftwaffe bombing raid, which resulted in the deaths of four British Army soldiers of the RAOC (Royal Army Ordnance Corps) and 14 men were injured. The precise location of bomb strike was on Allum Green House itself, which still exists and is a private home. The site is commemorated by a memorial bench erected in 1980 by comrades of the deceased. Those killed were: