Alternative in Action High School

Alternative in Action High School (formally known as the Bay Area School of Enterprise) is a charter high school founded in 2001 in Alameda, California. It is the first youth-created charter high school in the United States. It was created by 10 youth and 2 adults working in the afterschool program HOME Project to create a school for non traditional students. BASE is a public charter school in the Alameda Unified School District. Entirely project-based, students participate in regular projects called "enterprises," including a major "enterprise" in humanities each year.

Alternative in Action High School

Alternative in Action High School (formally known as the Bay Area School of Enterprise) is a charter high school founded in 2001 in Alameda, California. It is the first youth-created charter high school in the United States. It was created by 10 youth and 2 adults working in the afterschool program HOME Project to create a school for non traditional students. BASE is a public charter school in the Alameda Unified School District. Entirely project-based, students participate in regular projects called "enterprises," including a major "enterprise" in humanities each year.