Am Buidheann Dubh

Am Buidheann Dubh ([əm ˈpujən̪ˠ ˈt̪uh]; Scottish Gaelic for The Hidden Group) is a group of self-described "nationalists" and "guerilla artists" whose aim is to raise awareness of Scottish independence. They have anonymously placed banners and signs, usually in Gaelic, in highly visible public places around Glasgow. The group claimed to have:

Am Buidheann Dubh

Am Buidheann Dubh ([əm ˈpujən̪ˠ ˈt̪uh]; Scottish Gaelic for The Hidden Group) is a group of self-described "nationalists" and "guerilla artists" whose aim is to raise awareness of Scottish independence. They have anonymously placed banners and signs, usually in Gaelic, in highly visible public places around Glasgow. The group claimed to have: