
Amaltheidae is a family of eoderoceratoidean ammonitids from the Lower Jurassic consisting of genera characterised by stigated discoidal oxycones—narrow involute shells with narrowly rounded to angular venters that bear a series of grooves, or ridges, along broad flanks, which according to the Treatise L, 1957, evolved into strongly ribbed planulates (discoidal evolute shells) with quadrate whorls, typically with crenulated keels; involving all together four genera. Amaltheus is oxyconic, keeled, strigated, and ribbed on the outer flanks.


Amaltheidae is a family of eoderoceratoidean ammonitids from the Lower Jurassic consisting of genera characterised by stigated discoidal oxycones—narrow involute shells with narrowly rounded to angular venters that bear a series of grooves, or ridges, along broad flanks, which according to the Treatise L, 1957, evolved into strongly ribbed planulates (discoidal evolute shells) with quadrate whorls, typically with crenulated keels; involving all together four genera. Amaltheus is oxyconic, keeled, strigated, and ribbed on the outer flanks.