Aman (film)

Aman is an Indian anti-war movie directed by Mohan Kumar. It starred Rajendra Kumar, Saira Banu, Balraj Sahani and Chetan Anand in lead roles. The movie was also the debut for Naseeruddin Shah who played an uncredited minor role. The movie also features a rare cameo by famous British Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell. The movie was shot in England and Japan.

Aman (film)

Aman is an Indian anti-war movie directed by Mohan Kumar. It starred Rajendra Kumar, Saira Banu, Balraj Sahani and Chetan Anand in lead roles. The movie was also the debut for Naseeruddin Shah who played an uncredited minor role. The movie also features a rare cameo by famous British Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell. The movie was shot in England and Japan.