Amavasu dynasty

Brahmarshi Atri was the son of Lord Brahma. His son was Chandra Deva. His son was Budha (Mercury). King Pururavas was the founder of Chandravansha (Lunar Dynasty). He founded Lunar Dynasty in Treta Yuga. According to Ramayana and Mahabharata, King Pururavas was the son of Ila and Budha. Pururavas was Contemporary of Ravana of Lanka and Suryavanshi King Vishwagashva. Aayu, Shrutayu, Satyayu, Raya, Jaya and Vijaya were the sons of King Pururavas.

Amavasu dynasty

Brahmarshi Atri was the son of Lord Brahma. His son was Chandra Deva. His son was Budha (Mercury). King Pururavas was the founder of Chandravansha (Lunar Dynasty). He founded Lunar Dynasty in Treta Yuga. According to Ramayana and Mahabharata, King Pururavas was the son of Ila and Budha. Pururavas was Contemporary of Ravana of Lanka and Suryavanshi King Vishwagashva. Aayu, Shrutayu, Satyayu, Raya, Jaya and Vijaya were the sons of King Pururavas.