Ambalang Ausalin

Apuh Ambalang Ausalin (born March 4, 1943) is a Filipino master weaver from the city of Lamitan, Basilan. Apuh Ambalang is renowned for her mastery of the crafts of sinaluan and sputangan, two of the most intricately designed textiles of the indigenous Yakan community. She learned weaving through her mother, who was previously reputed to be the best weaver in Basilan and first practiced the craft by using coconut strips. Ausalin was given the National Living Treasure Award by the Philippines through the National Commission for Culture and the Arts in 2016.

Ambalang Ausalin

Apuh Ambalang Ausalin (born March 4, 1943) is a Filipino master weaver from the city of Lamitan, Basilan. Apuh Ambalang is renowned for her mastery of the crafts of sinaluan and sputangan, two of the most intricately designed textiles of the indigenous Yakan community. She learned weaving through her mother, who was previously reputed to be the best weaver in Basilan and first practiced the craft by using coconut strips. Ausalin was given the National Living Treasure Award by the Philippines through the National Commission for Culture and the Arts in 2016.