Ambroise Verschaffelt

Ambroise Colette Alexandre Verschaffelt (11 December 1825 – 16 May 1886) was a distinguished Belgian horticulturist and author. His grandfather Pierre-Antoine (1764–1844) was amongst the founders of the "Floralies gantoises" in 1808. His father Alexandre (1801–1850) was a major horticulturist of his city. The Verschaffelts were a family of Belgian nurserymen specializing a.o. in camellia, azalea, palmtrees. They introduced many new species from abroad – in particular from South America – collected for them by "plant hunters". They published the Nouvelle Iconographie des Camellias (1848–1860) : it continues Lorenzo Berlèse’s work Iconographie du genre Camellia. In 1854, Ambroise took over from Charles Lemaire "Le Jardin Fleuriste" which became "L'Illustration Horticole" in 1858. Ambroise so

Ambroise Verschaffelt

Ambroise Colette Alexandre Verschaffelt (11 December 1825 – 16 May 1886) was a distinguished Belgian horticulturist and author. His grandfather Pierre-Antoine (1764–1844) was amongst the founders of the "Floralies gantoises" in 1808. His father Alexandre (1801–1850) was a major horticulturist of his city. The Verschaffelts were a family of Belgian nurserymen specializing a.o. in camellia, azalea, palmtrees. They introduced many new species from abroad – in particular from South America – collected for them by "plant hunters". They published the Nouvelle Iconographie des Camellias (1848–1860) : it continues Lorenzo Berlèse’s work Iconographie du genre Camellia. In 1854, Ambroise took over from Charles Lemaire "Le Jardin Fleuriste" which became "L'Illustration Horticole" in 1858. Ambroise so