Amerika Haus Berlin

The Amerika Haus Berlin is an institution that was developed following the end of the World War II, to provide an opportunity for German citizens to learn more about American culture and politics, and engage in discussion and debate on the transatlantic relationship. Run by the American government until 2006, Berlin's Amerika Haus is one of many Amerika Häuser located across Germany. On September 25, 2006, the Amerika Haus Berlin was officially handed back to the city of Berlin, and its doors were closed to the general public until 2014.

Amerika Haus Berlin

The Amerika Haus Berlin is an institution that was developed following the end of the World War II, to provide an opportunity for German citizens to learn more about American culture and politics, and engage in discussion and debate on the transatlantic relationship. Run by the American government until 2006, Berlin's Amerika Haus is one of many Amerika Häuser located across Germany. On September 25, 2006, the Amerika Haus Berlin was officially handed back to the city of Berlin, and its doors were closed to the general public until 2014.