Amico Ricci

Amico Ricci Petrocchini, Petruccini or Petruchini (1794-1862) was an Italian art historian and marquess. He is most notable for his 1834 Memorie storiche delle arti e degli artisti della Marca di Ancona, the first systematic survey of art history in the Marche. He also composed a number of cantatas for viola (1862).

Amico Ricci

Amico Ricci Petrocchini, Petruccini or Petruchini (1794-1862) was an Italian art historian and marquess. He is most notable for his 1834 Memorie storiche delle arti e degli artisti della Marca di Ancona, the first systematic survey of art history in the Marche. He also composed a number of cantatas for viola (1862).