Amin al-Haq

Doctor Amin al-Haq is an Afghan national and a trained doctor. He is reported to have been a former OBL bodyguard and a security coordinator.Al-Haq was reported to have been captured in Lahore, Pakistan, in early January 2008. He was released from Pakistani custody in September 2011 citing a lack of evidence. Pakistani officials stated that al-Haq's connections to al Qaeda "could not be proved," and he is also "not in good health." CBS News and NPR cited al-Haq's release was a trigger for challenges of Pakistan's commitment to fight terrorism.However, British daily The Telegraph cites a senior Pakistani security official, who told the paper al-Haq was "arrested mistakenly, therefore, the police failed to prove any charge of his association with Osama bin Laden and the court set him free."

Amin al-Haq

Doctor Amin al-Haq is an Afghan national and a trained doctor. He is reported to have been a former OBL bodyguard and a security coordinator.Al-Haq was reported to have been captured in Lahore, Pakistan, in early January 2008. He was released from Pakistani custody in September 2011 citing a lack of evidence. Pakistani officials stated that al-Haq's connections to al Qaeda "could not be proved," and he is also "not in good health." CBS News and NPR cited al-Haq's release was a trigger for challenges of Pakistan's commitment to fight terrorism.However, British daily The Telegraph cites a senior Pakistani security official, who told the paper al-Haq was "arrested mistakenly, therefore, the police failed to prove any charge of his association with Osama bin Laden and the court set him free."