Amish Guy

"Amish Guy" is the seventh episode of the tenth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on November 27, 2011. The episode follows the Griffin family after their car breaks down in Amish country on their way back from a vacation. The family must then learn to adjust to the community for the weekend, until they are able to fix their car at a mechanic. However, when Meg falls in love with an Amish boy named Eli, and his father forbids the two from ever seeing each other again, a Romeo and Juliet family conflict arises between the two families. This results in a battle between the families, with the victor determining Meg and Eli's ultimate fate.

Amish Guy

"Amish Guy" is the seventh episode of the tenth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on November 27, 2011. The episode follows the Griffin family after their car breaks down in Amish country on their way back from a vacation. The family must then learn to adjust to the community for the weekend, until they are able to fix their car at a mechanic. However, when Meg falls in love with an Amish boy named Eli, and his father forbids the two from ever seeing each other again, a Romeo and Juliet family conflict arises between the two families. This results in a battle between the families, with the victor determining Meg and Eli's ultimate fate.