Anísio Abraão David

Aniz Abraão David (Rio de Janeiro, 7 June 1937), better known as Anísio, is an illegal lottery operator (bicheiro) and the honorary president of the samba school Beija-Flor in Nilópolis. He has been the president of the Independent League of Samba Schools of Rio de Janeiro (LIESA) from 1985-1987.

Anísio Abraão David

Aniz Abraão David (Rio de Janeiro, 7 June 1937), better known as Anísio, is an illegal lottery operator (bicheiro) and the honorary president of the samba school Beija-Flor in Nilópolis. He has been the president of the Independent League of Samba Schools of Rio de Janeiro (LIESA) from 1985-1987.