Andrew Flinn Dickson

Andrew Flinn Dickson (November 8, 1825 – January 8, 1879) was an American minister and author. Dickson, the son of Rev. John Dickson, was born in Charleston, S. C., November 8, 1825. His mother was a daughter of Rev. Andrew Flinn, D.D., the first pastor of the 2d Presbyterian Church in Charleston. Dickson had published, in 1856 and 1860, two series of Plantation Sermons, and in 1872 a volume on the Temptation in the Desert. He was also, in 1878, the successful competitor for the prize established by the late Hon. Richard Fletcher, by an essay entitled, "The Light—is it Waning?"

Andrew Flinn Dickson

Andrew Flinn Dickson (November 8, 1825 – January 8, 1879) was an American minister and author. Dickson, the son of Rev. John Dickson, was born in Charleston, S. C., November 8, 1825. His mother was a daughter of Rev. Andrew Flinn, D.D., the first pastor of the 2d Presbyterian Church in Charleston. Dickson had published, in 1856 and 1860, two series of Plantation Sermons, and in 1872 a volume on the Temptation in the Desert. He was also, in 1878, the successful competitor for the prize established by the late Hon. Richard Fletcher, by an essay entitled, "The Light—is it Waning?"