Andrew Symeou

Andrew Christopher Symeou (born 16 October 1988) is a British born memoirist and author of the book Extradited: The European Arrest Warrant and My Fight for Justice from a Greek Prison Cell. Symeou was falsely accused of attacking and killing holiday maker Jonathan Hiles in a Greek nightclub. The case gained public interest in 2009 when he was extradited to Greece on a European Arrest Warrant and spent a year in prison before trial. Most of his incarceration was spent in Korydallos prison; a high-security facility known for its bad conditions, inhumane treatment of inmates and gang related violence. Symeou was found not guilty of the killing on 17 June 2011. In April 2013 British Coroner Mary Hassell accused the police of using brutality in the preliminary investigation and stated that the

Andrew Symeou

Andrew Christopher Symeou (born 16 October 1988) is a British born memoirist and author of the book Extradited: The European Arrest Warrant and My Fight for Justice from a Greek Prison Cell. Symeou was falsely accused of attacking and killing holiday maker Jonathan Hiles in a Greek nightclub. The case gained public interest in 2009 when he was extradited to Greece on a European Arrest Warrant and spent a year in prison before trial. Most of his incarceration was spent in Korydallos prison; a high-security facility known for its bad conditions, inhumane treatment of inmates and gang related violence. Symeou was found not guilty of the killing on 17 June 2011. In April 2013 British Coroner Mary Hassell accused the police of using brutality in the preliminary investigation and stated that the