Ange Laurent Lalive de Jully

Ange-Laurent de La Live de Jully (2 October 1725 – 18 March 1779) was an 18th-century French financier and patron of arts. On 30 June 1741, he married Louise-Elisabeth Chambon, reputed to be more than promiscuous. Madame d'Épinay tells us she pushed the absence of prejudice to the limit where it takes another name. But even though, she had a son, June 7, 1750. She died in December 1752, struck down by smallpox. We know he led political missions in Geneva.

Ange Laurent Lalive de Jully

Ange-Laurent de La Live de Jully (2 October 1725 – 18 March 1779) was an 18th-century French financier and patron of arts. On 30 June 1741, he married Louise-Elisabeth Chambon, reputed to be more than promiscuous. Madame d'Épinay tells us she pushed the absence of prejudice to the limit where it takes another name. But even though, she had a son, June 7, 1750. She died in December 1752, struck down by smallpox. We know he led political missions in Geneva.