Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin (ACNA)

The Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin (ADSJ) is a diocese in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). It came into being after a majority of congregants in the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin separated from the Episcopal Church in 2007. Prior to the separation, the Episcopal Church diocese was one of the most conservative in the church, and one of three that did not ordain women (the others being the dioceses of Quincy and Fort Worth). The Anglican diocese is now headquartered in Fresno. The pre-separation diocese had a membership of approximately 8,500.

Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin (ACNA)

The Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin (ADSJ) is a diocese in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). It came into being after a majority of congregants in the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin separated from the Episcopal Church in 2007. Prior to the separation, the Episcopal Church diocese was one of the most conservative in the church, and one of three that did not ordain women (the others being the dioceses of Quincy and Fort Worth). The Anglican diocese is now headquartered in Fresno. The pre-separation diocese had a membership of approximately 8,500.