Animals Are Like That

Animals Are Like That! (1939) was Frank Buck’s sixth book, which continued his stories of capturing exotic animals.If you should find yourself with a monkey or ape on your hands and no knowledge of what to do with it, Buck tells co-author Carol Weld, just treat it like a child. And the elephant, like a man in the tropics, needs a sheltered siesta in mid-afternoon because he is susceptible to sunstroke. Monkeys pick up human ways and copy them. But you should never, never trust a tiger, any more than you should trust a crocodile.

Animals Are Like That

Animals Are Like That! (1939) was Frank Buck’s sixth book, which continued his stories of capturing exotic animals.If you should find yourself with a monkey or ape on your hands and no knowledge of what to do with it, Buck tells co-author Carol Weld, just treat it like a child. And the elephant, like a man in the tropics, needs a sheltered siesta in mid-afternoon because he is susceptible to sunstroke. Monkeys pick up human ways and copy them. But you should never, never trust a tiger, any more than you should trust a crocodile.