Ann Kipling

Ann Kipling (born 1934 in Victoria, British Columbia) is a Canadian artist who creates impressionistic portraits and landscapes on paper from direct observation. Kipling's distinctive style of overlapping, temporally suggestive linework is formed through her working process, which involves drawing her subject over time, recording subtle shifts in movement in the sitter or landscape during that period. Her work is characterized by a flat sense of space, where lines are used to frame a vibrating and gestural idea of her subject, rather than a direct representation of form. While not directly connected to any art movement in particular, connections can be made to Chinese landscape painters and the watercolours of Paul Cézanne. Using colour minimally, her primary media is etching, drawing, wat

Ann Kipling

Ann Kipling (born 1934 in Victoria, British Columbia) is a Canadian artist who creates impressionistic portraits and landscapes on paper from direct observation. Kipling's distinctive style of overlapping, temporally suggestive linework is formed through her working process, which involves drawing her subject over time, recording subtle shifts in movement in the sitter or landscape during that period. Her work is characterized by a flat sense of space, where lines are used to frame a vibrating and gestural idea of her subject, rather than a direct representation of form. While not directly connected to any art movement in particular, connections can be made to Chinese landscape painters and the watercolours of Paul Cézanne. Using colour minimally, her primary media is etching, drawing, wat