Anti-Russian sentiment

Anti-Russian sentiment, commonly referred to as Russophobia, describes prejudice, fear or hatred against Russia, the Russians, and Russian culture. Russophilia, by contrast, refers to admiration and fondness of Russia and the Russians. In the present, a variety of mass culture clichés and negative stereotypes about Russians exist. Some individuals may have prejudice or hatred against Russians due to history, racism, propaganda, or ingrained stereotypes and hatred.

Anti-Russian sentiment

Anti-Russian sentiment, commonly referred to as Russophobia, describes prejudice, fear or hatred against Russia, the Russians, and Russian culture. Russophilia, by contrast, refers to admiration and fondness of Russia and the Russians. In the present, a variety of mass culture clichés and negative stereotypes about Russians exist. Some individuals may have prejudice or hatred against Russians due to history, racism, propaganda, or ingrained stereotypes and hatred.