Anti-Semite and Jew

Anti-Semite and Jew (French: Réflexions sur la question juive, "Reflections on the Jewish Question") is an essay about antisemitism written by Jean-Paul Sartre shortly after the Liberation of Paris from German occupation in 1944. The first part of the essay, "The Portrait of the Antisemite", was published in December 1945 in Les Temps modernes. The full text was then published in 1946. The essay deals with Judaism as a category of fantasy and projection in the thought of the anti-semite, a phenomenon described as antijudaism, by intellectual historian David Nirenberg in citing this essay.

Anti-Semite and Jew

Anti-Semite and Jew (French: Réflexions sur la question juive, "Reflections on the Jewish Question") is an essay about antisemitism written by Jean-Paul Sartre shortly after the Liberation of Paris from German occupation in 1944. The first part of the essay, "The Portrait of the Antisemite", was published in December 1945 in Les Temps modernes. The full text was then published in 1946. The essay deals with Judaism as a category of fantasy and projection in the thought of the anti-semite, a phenomenon described as antijudaism, by intellectual historian David Nirenberg in citing this essay.