Anti-Ukrainian sentiment

Anti-Ukrainian sentiment, Ukrainophobia or Anti-Ukrainianism is animosity towards Ukrainians, Ukrainian culture, language or Ukraine as a nation. Its opposite is Ukrainophilia. In modern times, significant presence of Ukrainophobia may be distinguished in three geographical areas, where it differs by its roots and manifestation: * In the Russian Federation, and among the Russophone population of South-Eastern Ukraine (where there is a significant minority of ethnic Russians). * In Poland * In Canada, where a significant Ukrainian diaspora is present.

Anti-Ukrainian sentiment

Anti-Ukrainian sentiment, Ukrainophobia or Anti-Ukrainianism is animosity towards Ukrainians, Ukrainian culture, language or Ukraine as a nation. Its opposite is Ukrainophilia. In modern times, significant presence of Ukrainophobia may be distinguished in three geographical areas, where it differs by its roots and manifestation: * In the Russian Federation, and among the Russophone population of South-Eastern Ukraine (where there is a significant minority of ethnic Russians). * In Poland * In Canada, where a significant Ukrainian diaspora is present.