Antibody-vaccine engineered construct

Antibody-vaccine engineered construct abbreviated AVEC is an anti cancer drug in clinical trials that enables the immune system to detect and naturally eliminate malignant cells. It is a biomolecularly engineered molecule consisting of the two main components: (1) antibody; (2) vaccine. (1) The antibody component binds AVEC to the targeted molecule, e.g., to epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) on breast cancer cells. (2) The vaccine component elicits an immune response, directed against the cancer cells bound by the antibody component, e.g., immune response to the HBV vaccine mounted by the prophylactic immunity gained by vaccination. It has the potential to be used to treat a variety of types of cancer, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer and leukemias.

Antibody-vaccine engineered construct

Antibody-vaccine engineered construct abbreviated AVEC is an anti cancer drug in clinical trials that enables the immune system to detect and naturally eliminate malignant cells. It is a biomolecularly engineered molecule consisting of the two main components: (1) antibody; (2) vaccine. (1) The antibody component binds AVEC to the targeted molecule, e.g., to epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) on breast cancer cells. (2) The vaccine component elicits an immune response, directed against the cancer cells bound by the antibody component, e.g., immune response to the HBV vaccine mounted by the prophylactic immunity gained by vaccination. It has the potential to be used to treat a variety of types of cancer, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer and leukemias.