
In the physics of coupled oscillators, antiresonance, by analogy with resonance, is a pronounced minimum in the amplitude of an oscillator at a particular frequency, accompanied by a large, abrupt shift in its oscillation phase. Such frequencies are known as the system's antiresonant frequencies, and at these frequencies the oscillation amplitude can drop to almost zero. Antiresonances are caused by destructive interference, for example between an external driving force and interaction with another oscillator.


In the physics of coupled oscillators, antiresonance, by analogy with resonance, is a pronounced minimum in the amplitude of an oscillator at a particular frequency, accompanied by a large, abrupt shift in its oscillation phase. Such frequencies are known as the system's antiresonant frequencies, and at these frequencies the oscillation amplitude can drop to almost zero. Antiresonances are caused by destructive interference, for example between an external driving force and interaction with another oscillator.