Antoine Simonnin

Antoine Simonnin, full name Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Simonnin, (Paris, 11 January 1780 – Paris, 14 May 1856) was a 19th-century French writer and dramatist. Simonnin wrote, alone or in collaboration, more than 200 comédies en vaudeville, parodies or fantaisies. He also published a collection of Chansons sacrées et profanes (1856, in-18).

Antoine Simonnin

Antoine Simonnin, full name Antoine-Jean-Baptiste Simonnin, (Paris, 11 January 1780 – Paris, 14 May 1856) was a 19th-century French writer and dramatist. Simonnin wrote, alone or in collaboration, more than 200 comédies en vaudeville, parodies or fantaisies. He also published a collection of Chansons sacrées et profanes (1856, in-18).