Antoinette Tielé Gambia Olou

Antoinette Tielé Gambia Olou is a Congolese Party of Labour (PCT) politician in Congo-Brazzaville. She is the Deputy for Djiri 1, Brazzaville Department. Tielé Gambia Olou has been president of the support committee for President Denis Sassou-N'guesso since January 14, 1997. She is a former member of the permanent secretariat of the (URFC), where she was in charge of women traders and craftsmen. She is on the central committee of the PCT, and is president of the PCT committee for Djiri.

Antoinette Tielé Gambia Olou

Antoinette Tielé Gambia Olou is a Congolese Party of Labour (PCT) politician in Congo-Brazzaville. She is the Deputy for Djiri 1, Brazzaville Department. Tielé Gambia Olou has been president of the support committee for President Denis Sassou-N'guesso since January 14, 1997. She is a former member of the permanent secretariat of the (URFC), where she was in charge of women traders and craftsmen. She is on the central committee of the PCT, and is president of the PCT committee for Djiri.