Anurag Singh (filmmaker)

Anurag Singh is an Indian documentary filmmaker known for his socio-political, human rights oriented films. He has worked with mass peoples’ movements, including the Narmada Bachao Andolan, National Campaign for People's Right to Information, and Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan His most famous films are "Kaise Jeebo Re" (1997 – Narmada valley displacement), and "Right to Information" (1999 – Peoples’ demand for RTI, the landmark transparency legislation), which have been screened and won awards internationally. In 1991 along with Jharana Jhaveri he set up Janmadhyam Productions.

Anurag Singh (filmmaker)

Anurag Singh is an Indian documentary filmmaker known for his socio-political, human rights oriented films. He has worked with mass peoples’ movements, including the Narmada Bachao Andolan, National Campaign for People's Right to Information, and Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan His most famous films are "Kaise Jeebo Re" (1997 – Narmada valley displacement), and "Right to Information" (1999 – Peoples’ demand for RTI, the landmark transparency legislation), which have been screened and won awards internationally. In 1991 along with Jharana Jhaveri he set up Janmadhyam Productions.