Any Qualified Provider

Any Qualified Provider is a contractual system within the NHS internal market of the English National Health Service. The system was introduced under the Labour administration in 2009/10 when it was called "Any Willing Provider" - The policy continued and was accelerated under the newly formed coalition Government and changed its name in 2011 to become "Any Qualified Provider." Its implementation was achieved through the NHS operating framework and a strong central team based in the Department of Health that supported and oversaw local implementation. It did not require any statutory instrument to achieve its aims and was often incorrectly considered to be part of the reforms associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

Any Qualified Provider

Any Qualified Provider is a contractual system within the NHS internal market of the English National Health Service. The system was introduced under the Labour administration in 2009/10 when it was called "Any Willing Provider" - The policy continued and was accelerated under the newly formed coalition Government and changed its name in 2011 to become "Any Qualified Provider." Its implementation was achieved through the NHS operating framework and a strong central team based in the Department of Health that supported and oversaw local implementation. It did not require any statutory instrument to achieve its aims and was often incorrectly considered to be part of the reforms associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2012.