
Aphelidium species are endoparasites of freshwater green algae. Aphelidium belongs to the phylum Aphelida, and is part of the Opisthosporidia, a sister clade to Fungi. The cells of Aphelidium are much smaller than the cells of its green algae host, which is protected by a robust cell wall. Aphelidium have evolved a remarkable life cycle to defeat host's defenses.


Aphelidium species are endoparasites of freshwater green algae. Aphelidium belongs to the phylum Aphelida, and is part of the Opisthosporidia, a sister clade to Fungi. The cells of Aphelidium are much smaller than the cells of its green algae host, which is protected by a robust cell wall. Aphelidium have evolved a remarkable life cycle to defeat host's defenses.