
Aphian (Apphian, Apian, Appian, Amphianus, Amphian; Amfiano in Spanish and Italian) is venerated as a martyr by the Catholic Church and by the Eastern Orthodox Church. He is said to have died during the persecutions of the Emperor Galerius on April 2 in or around the year 305. In the Eastern Orthodox calendar, his feast thus falls on April 2, along with Edesius (Aedisius), who is sometimes called his brother. In the old martyrologies his feast was on April 5, but the Bollandists give April 2 as the correct date.


Aphian (Apphian, Apian, Appian, Amphianus, Amphian; Amfiano in Spanish and Italian) is venerated as a martyr by the Catholic Church and by the Eastern Orthodox Church. He is said to have died during the persecutions of the Emperor Galerius on April 2 in or around the year 305. In the Eastern Orthodox calendar, his feast thus falls on April 2, along with Edesius (Aedisius), who is sometimes called his brother. In the old martyrologies his feast was on April 5, but the Bollandists give April 2 as the correct date.