Aqua Crabra

Aqua Crabra refers to a Roman aqueduct supplying villas in the hinterland of the ancient town of Tusculum. The Aqua Crabra is described by Cicero in his treatise De Lege Agraria ("On the Agrarian Law") where we learn it supplied his villa near Tusculum. The aqueduct is also attested in the text of Frontinus.The Crabra is sometimes referred to as Aqua Mariana or Aqua Maranna del Maria. The evidence offered by CIL VI, 1261 was interpreted by Mommsen to be connected with the Aqua Crabra, even though there is no specific mention of it in the fragmentary text.

Aqua Crabra

Aqua Crabra refers to a Roman aqueduct supplying villas in the hinterland of the ancient town of Tusculum. The Aqua Crabra is described by Cicero in his treatise De Lege Agraria ("On the Agrarian Law") where we learn it supplied his villa near Tusculum. The aqueduct is also attested in the text of Frontinus.The Crabra is sometimes referred to as Aqua Mariana or Aqua Maranna del Maria. The evidence offered by CIL VI, 1261 was interpreted by Mommsen to be connected with the Aqua Crabra, even though there is no specific mention of it in the fragmentary text.