Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization

The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) is a Tunis-based institution of the Arab League, established in accordance with article 3 of the by an announcement made in Cairo, Egypt, on 25 July 1970. ALECSO works to coordinate cultural and educational activities in the Arab world. Among its various activities, subsidiary ALECSO institutions have been established across the Arab world:

Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization

The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) is a Tunis-based institution of the Arab League, established in accordance with article 3 of the by an announcement made in Cairo, Egypt, on 25 July 1970. ALECSO works to coordinate cultural and educational activities in the Arab world. Among its various activities, subsidiary ALECSO institutions have been established across the Arab world: