Arab salad

Arab salad or Arabic salad, is any of a variety of salad dishes that form part of Arab cuisine. Combining many different fruits and spices, and often served as part of a mezze, Arab salads include those from Algeria and Tunisia such as the "Algerian salad" (Salata Jaza'iriya) and "Black Olive and Orange salad" (Salatat Zaytoon) and from Tunisia Salata Machwiya is a grilled salad made from peppers, tomatoes, garlic and onions with olives and tuna on top, those from Syria and Lebanon such as "artichoke salad" (Salataf Khurshoof) and "Beet salad" (Salatat Shamandar), and those from Palestine and Jordan. Other popular Arab salads eaten throughout the Arab world include fattoush and tabouli.

Arab salad

Arab salad or Arabic salad, is any of a variety of salad dishes that form part of Arab cuisine. Combining many different fruits and spices, and often served as part of a mezze, Arab salads include those from Algeria and Tunisia such as the "Algerian salad" (Salata Jaza'iriya) and "Black Olive and Orange salad" (Salatat Zaytoon) and from Tunisia Salata Machwiya is a grilled salad made from peppers, tomatoes, garlic and onions with olives and tuna on top, those from Syria and Lebanon such as "artichoke salad" (Salataf Khurshoof) and "Beet salad" (Salatat Shamandar), and those from Palestine and Jordan. Other popular Arab salads eaten throughout the Arab world include fattoush and tabouli.