Arcane (TV series)

Arcane is an upcoming animated streaming television "event series" set in the League of Legends universe. The series was announced at the League of Legends 10th Anniversary celebrations. It will be developed and produced by Riot Games, with animation services by Fortiche Productions. Originally set for a 2020 release, the show is rescheduled for a release in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In May 2021, it was revealed that the show is set to premiere in fall 2021 on Netflix.

Arcane (TV series)

Arcane is an upcoming animated streaming television "event series" set in the League of Legends universe. The series was announced at the League of Legends 10th Anniversary celebrations. It will be developed and produced by Riot Games, with animation services by Fortiche Productions. Originally set for a 2020 release, the show is rescheduled for a release in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In May 2021, it was revealed that the show is set to premiere in fall 2021 on Netflix.