Archivum Rhenanum

The project Archivum Rhenanum - Archives numérisées du Rhin supérieur or "Réseau transfrontalier de sources historiques numérisées : les archives comme mémoire de l’espace du Rhin supérieur et de sa formation" in French ("Digitale Archive am Oberrhein" and "Grenzüberschreitendes Netzwerk digitaler Geschichtsquellen: Archive als Gedächtnisse der historisch gewachsenen Landschaft Oberrhein" in German) aimed to create a transnational Franco-German portal and an open network of archives. It was supported by institutions, associations and experts in history and civilization. Through this portal, the general public can now access digitized resources, along with further information about them, from archives on both sides of the border.

Archivum Rhenanum

The project Archivum Rhenanum - Archives numérisées du Rhin supérieur or "Réseau transfrontalier de sources historiques numérisées : les archives comme mémoire de l’espace du Rhin supérieur et de sa formation" in French ("Digitale Archive am Oberrhein" and "Grenzüberschreitendes Netzwerk digitaler Geschichtsquellen: Archive als Gedächtnisse der historisch gewachsenen Landschaft Oberrhein" in German) aimed to create a transnational Franco-German portal and an open network of archives. It was supported by institutions, associations and experts in history and civilization. Through this portal, the general public can now access digitized resources, along with further information about them, from archives on both sides of the border.