
Arishadvarga is a 2019 Indian Kannada language neo noir mystery thriller film written, directed and produced by Arvind Kamath, under the banner Kanasu Talkies. The film is a tale of lust, anger, love, greed, power, jealousy, mistaken identity and individual deficiencies. It’s a fatalistic noir tale of one man’s vain struggle to escape his own limitations, unfortunately, an impossibility in the world of noir. The film stars Avinash, Samyukta Hornad, Nanda Gopal, Mahesh Bung, Anju Alva Naik, Gopalkrishna Deshpande, Aravind Kuplikar, Sudha Belawadi, M.G Sathya and Sripathi Manjanabayalu in prominent roles. The film had its world premiere at London Indian Film Festival during June 2019, where it received positive reviews, followed by the Asian Premiere at Singapore South Asian International fi


Arishadvarga is a 2019 Indian Kannada language neo noir mystery thriller film written, directed and produced by Arvind Kamath, under the banner Kanasu Talkies. The film is a tale of lust, anger, love, greed, power, jealousy, mistaken identity and individual deficiencies. It’s a fatalistic noir tale of one man’s vain struggle to escape his own limitations, unfortunately, an impossibility in the world of noir. The film stars Avinash, Samyukta Hornad, Nanda Gopal, Mahesh Bung, Anju Alva Naik, Gopalkrishna Deshpande, Aravind Kuplikar, Sudha Belawadi, M.G Sathya and Sripathi Manjanabayalu in prominent roles. The film had its world premiere at London Indian Film Festival during June 2019, where it received positive reviews, followed by the Asian Premiere at Singapore South Asian International fi