Art belongs to the people

Art belongs to the people. Anniversary Exhibition of Leningrad artists (Leningrad, 1977) (Russian: Искусство принадлежит народу. Выставка произведений ленинградских художников, посвящённая 60-летию Великого Октября), dedicated to 60th Anniversary of Great October Revolution of 1917, became one of the most significant art event of 1977 in the USSR. The Exhibition took place in the new exhibition space - The Central Exhibition Hall Maneze, which has become the largest exhibition area of the city.

Art belongs to the people

Art belongs to the people. Anniversary Exhibition of Leningrad artists (Leningrad, 1977) (Russian: Искусство принадлежит народу. Выставка произведений ленинградских художников, посвящённая 60-летию Великого Октября), dedicated to 60th Anniversary of Great October Revolution of 1917, became one of the most significant art event of 1977 in the USSR. The Exhibition took place in the new exhibition space - The Central Exhibition Hall Maneze, which has become the largest exhibition area of the city.