Art collection of Fondazione Manodori

The Art Collection of the Foundation of Reggio Emilia Saving Bank – Pietro Manodori or (collezione d'arte della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Reggio Emilia Pietro Manodori) is a small, but publicly exhibited collection of artists mainly from the region, specially concentrating in works from the 17th century, the Baroque period when the local artist community, along with the , had gained prominence. Collecting by this financial house began in earnest in the mid-1990s.

Art collection of Fondazione Manodori

The Art Collection of the Foundation of Reggio Emilia Saving Bank – Pietro Manodori or (collezione d'arte della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Reggio Emilia Pietro Manodori) is a small, but publicly exhibited collection of artists mainly from the region, specially concentrating in works from the 17th century, the Baroque period when the local artist community, along with the , had gained prominence. Collecting by this financial house began in earnest in the mid-1990s.