Art song in Arabic

The western classical-style art song has attracted many songs on translations of Arabic texts, notably by composers of French mélodies and German Lieder, but few art songs sung in Arabic. Musical settings of Arabic poetry include Hans Werner Henze's Sechs Gesänge aus dem Arabischen, while other composers such as Francesco Santoliquido have set translations of Persian texts. Syrian pianist Gaswan Zerikly's project "Arabic Lieder", recorded with the soprano Dima Orsho puts Arabic poetry to western Lieder and song models, with Arabic influences.

Art song in Arabic

The western classical-style art song has attracted many songs on translations of Arabic texts, notably by composers of French mélodies and German Lieder, but few art songs sung in Arabic. Musical settings of Arabic poetry include Hans Werner Henze's Sechs Gesänge aus dem Arabischen, while other composers such as Francesco Santoliquido have set translations of Persian texts. Syrian pianist Gaswan Zerikly's project "Arabic Lieder", recorded with the soprano Dima Orsho puts Arabic poetry to western Lieder and song models, with Arabic influences.