Artapanus of Alexandria

Artapanus of Alexandria (Gk. Ἀρτάπανος ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς) was a historian, of Alexandrian Jewish origin, who is believed to have lived in Alexandria, during the later half of the 3rd or 2nd century BCE. Although most scholars assume Artapanus lived in Alexandria, others argue he resided in the countryside. Regardless, Artapanus lived in Egypt. His name, however, is a rather curious one; for Hystaspes' son, and the Achaemenian king Darius the Great's brother's name was also Artap/banus. It is also the name of several Iranian historical personalities, including five (six, including the Parthian ruler of Armenia) of the Parthian kings'. In modern Persian it is Ardavān (اردوان in Persian script).

Artapanus of Alexandria

Artapanus of Alexandria (Gk. Ἀρτάπανος ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς) was a historian, of Alexandrian Jewish origin, who is believed to have lived in Alexandria, during the later half of the 3rd or 2nd century BCE. Although most scholars assume Artapanus lived in Alexandria, others argue he resided in the countryside. Regardless, Artapanus lived in Egypt. His name, however, is a rather curious one; for Hystaspes' son, and the Achaemenian king Darius the Great's brother's name was also Artap/banus. It is also the name of several Iranian historical personalities, including five (six, including the Parthian ruler of Armenia) of the Parthian kings'. In modern Persian it is Ardavān (اردوان in Persian script).